Dear Members of Congress,

We are a collective of Palestinians in the U.S., and your constituents, supported by allies from a range of justice movements, working for freedom for the Palestinian people. Today, mass movements are demanding political leaders fight for policies that advance liberation over the status quo. In this spirit, our call for freedom must be heard.

Time and time again, our elected officials have excluded Palestinians from policy conversations, erasing our narratives, our dreams, and our rights. Excluding us leads to policy that perpetuates violence and prevents a just resolution for all. The U.S. continues to sideline and dehumanize the Palestinian people using racist tropes, and to criminalize any resistance to Israel's ongoing military occupation and dispossession of our people from our land. In Gaza, Palestinians protesting 13 years of a violent Israeli blockade and airstrikes are reduced to two-dimensional victims or aggressors. All the while the U.S. exempts Israel from any measures of accountability for its settlement construction and ongoing violations of Palestinian human rights using taxpayer funding. 

We seek life-giving policies. We implore you to consider a simple solution to this dead end in U.S. policy towards Palestine and Israel: center those most harmed by violence and oppression—the Palestinian people—and follow their vision for a free, just, and peaceful future for all. We are Palestinian. We are your constituents. And we demand a foreign policy that values our lives and futures.

Palestinians want to be free. They want to be free from harm, to travel to school or work or a hospital without an Israeli soldier pointing a gun in their face. For Palestinians to be free, the U.S. must stop funding Israel's military, which regularly engages in violations of human rights and international law without accountability. Condemnations of annexation that carry no consequences ring hollow. We must stop spending U.S. taxpayer dollars on weapons and war and oppression, and start investing in our collective wellbeing. We are witnessing positive shifts. A whopping 75% of Democrats prefer democracy and equality to Israel's status quo, and 56% of Democrats polled supported sanctions on Israel for its settlement expansion. 

In response to growing support for Palestinian rights, members of Congress are stepping up. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Dear Colleague letter committed to advancing legislative accountability measures, while addressing ongoing de facto annexation and warning Israel against de jure annexation and its entrenchment of apartheid. Minnesota Representative Betty McCollum introduced H.R. 8050, which prohibits U.S. recognition of and funding for Israeli claims of sovereignty over any part of the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. McCollum’s earlier bill, H.R. 2407, prohibits U.S. funding of Israel's abuse of Palestinian children.

We urge you to cosponsor these pieces of legislation and to draft and promote additional legislative vehicles that model the principles we have outlined in order to create the better world we know is possible. 

For more, please read Freedom Is the Future, a vision and policy document drafted by Palestinians in the U.S. grounded in a deep commitment to collective liberation.


Sign-on still accepted by Palestinian individuals, Palestinian organizations, and solidarity organizations here. For other individuals, please support this letter by signing here and tweeting here.

Palestinians in the U.S. (only early signers are listed below):

**Affiliations listed for identification purposes only

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, Michigan’s 13th Congressional District**

Mike Abel, Activist, Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights (DelPHR)**

Hatem Abudayyeh, National Chair, U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)

Rabab Abdulhadi, Director and Senior Scholar, Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, San Francisco State University**

Nada Abuasi, President, Students for Justice in Palestine at UD (SJP at UD)**

Tarek Abuata, Executive Director, Friends of Sabeel North America

Osama Abuirshaid, Executive Director, American Muslims for Palestine**

Ahmad Abuznaid, Executive Director, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

Joyce Ajlouny, General Secretary, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

Anais Amer, President, Wellesley Students for Justice in Palestine**

Huwaida Arraf, Vice President, New Generation for Palestine**

Zeina Ashrawi Hutchison, Activist & Delegate to the 2020 DNC**

Samia Assed, Chair, Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice**

Sa’ed Atshan, Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies, Swarthmore College**

Rashad Al-Dabbagh, Executive Director, Arab American Civic Council - Anaheim**

Nihad Awad, National Executive Director, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) 

Sumaya Awad, NYC DSA**

Summer Awad

Alex E Awad, Co-Chair, Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace**

Khalil Barhoum, President, US Palestinian Council**

Rania Batrice, Partner at WIN Media & Deputy Campaign Manager, Bernie Sanders 2016**

Hatem Bazian, Director, Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project at UC Berkeley & Professor and Co-Founder of Zaytuna College**

Lamis J. Deek, Human Rights Attorney, National Lawyers Guild & Organizer, Al-Awda**

Noura Erakat, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University**

Noura Khouri, National Committee Member, Al-Awda Palestinian Right to Return Coalition & Green Party National Delegate, California**

George Khoury, Core member, US Palestinian Community Network

Nada El-Eryan, Managing Director, Eyewitness Palestine

Nada Elia, Professor, Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies at Western Washington University**

Sofia Farah, American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine (AFRP)**

Burhan Ghanayem, Chairman of the Board, Voices for Justice in Palestine

Hanna Hanania, Board member, New Dominion PAC**

Mohammed Khader

Dima Khalidi, Director, Palestine Legal

Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University**

Jonathan Kuttab, Co-Founder & Treasurer, NonViolence International**

Lara Kiswani, Executive Director, Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC)**

Ahlam Majadly, President, Students for Justice in Palestine - University of Maryland**

Rasha Mubarak, UNBOUGHT POWER**

Yousef Munayyer, Former Executive Director, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

Rania Qawasma, Daarna: Everyone Deserves a Home, Seattle

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Board Member, Middle East Crisis Committee**

Loubna Qutami, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian American Studies, UCLA**

Hilary Rantisi, Senior Fellow and Associate Director, Religion, Conflict and Peace Initiative, Harvard Divinity School**

Lawrence "Ren" Afif Tawil, Member, Palestine Justice Coalition**

May Seikaly, Retired Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit**

Barakat Saleh, Treasurer, Arab Americans of Central Ohio**

Bassem Saleh, Manager, George H. Pastor and Sons**

Emad Salem, Board Member & Former President, Muslim Democratic Caucus of Texas**

Rezik Saqer, Board Member, Palestinian American Cultural Center (PACC) - Houston**

Linda Sarsour, Executive Director, MPower Change

Jinan Shbat, National Organizer, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee**

Sandra Tamari, Executive Director, Adalah Justice Project

Steve Tamari, Professor, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville**

Nadya Tannous, National Executive Board Member, Palestinian Youth Movement

Amer Zahr, Board Member, New Generation for Palestine & Surrogate, Bernie Sanders 2016**

Palestinian-led organizations Water - Food - Health - Education

Adalah Justice Project

Al-Awda, Palestine Right to Return Coalition

American Muslims for Palestine

Arizona Palestine Solidarity Alliance (APSA)

AROC (Arab Resource & Organizing Center)

Daarna: Everyone deserves a home, Seattle

Eyewitness Palestine

Friends of Sabeel North America

Islamophobia Studies Center

MPower Change

New Generation for Palestine

Northwest Ohio Free Speech Alliance, NOFSA

Palestine Legal

Palestinian American Community Center, New Jersey

Palestinian American Cultural Center, Houston, Texas

Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace

Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM)

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights

US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN)

Vermonters for Justice in Palestine (VTJP)

Yalla Indivisible 

Non-Palestinian endorsers

18 Million Rising

About Face: Veterans Against the War

Action Center on Race and the Economy (ACRE)

Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)

American Muslim Bar Association (AMBA)

Arab American Civic Council

Cafe Palestina

Center for International Policy (CIP)

CHANGE (Center for Health & Gender Equity)

Communication Workers Alliance 

Corvallis Palestine Solidarity

Coulee Region Coalition for Palestinian Rights (CRCPR)

Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights (DelPHR)

Disciples of Christ Palestine Israel Network (DisciplesPIN)

DSA BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group

Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network (EPF PIN)

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Fight for the Future

Freedom To Thrive 


Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space

Grassroots Global Justice (GGJ)

Hindus for Human Rights

HRA:PI/CD3-IP (Human Rights Awareness: Palestine Israel/ Congressional District 3 - Israel Palestine)

Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Israel/Palestine Task Force of Cal/Nevada Conference

Jewish Voice for Peace Action

Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area Chapter

Jewish Voice for Peace, Central Ohio Chapter

Jewish Voice for Peace, Chicago Chapter

Jewish Voice for Peace, New York City Chapter

Jewish Voice for Peace, Sacramento Chapter

Jewish Voice For Peace, Westchester Chapter

Jewish Voices for Peace, Western Massachusetts Chapter

Just Foreign Policy

Justice For Muslims Collective

Kairos West Michigan

Kairos USA

Kalamazoo Interfaith Coalition for Peace and Justice

Labor for Palestine

Madison-Rafah Sister City Project


Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights

Massachusetts Against Israeli Annexation coalition (MAIA)

Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA)


Metro Detroit Democratic Socialists of America 

Mid-Missourians for Justice in Palestine (MJP)


National Lawyers Guild, Palestine Subcommittee

National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP)

Northfielders for Justice in Palestine/Israel (NJP)

Palestine Action Committee of Texas

Palestine Advocacy Project

Project South

Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice

Raha Iranian Feminist Collective 


Rochester Witness for Palestine, Inc.

Sakhi for South Asian Women

South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT)

The Feminist Front (FF) 

Tree of Life Educational Fund

Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East (UUJME)

US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI)

Veterans For Peace

Veterans For Peace, Santa Fe Chapter

Voices for Justice in Palestine

War Resisters League

Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment

WESPAC Foundation

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Cape Cod Branch

Additional Palestinian individual signers

Summer Abdel

Mohammad Abdelrahim

Fahed Abuakel

Yara Abuata

Fadia Abulhajj

Mohamed Abushaban

Jacob Abu-Zeid

Nancy Adham

Nabil Alami

Rashid Al-Banna

Ibrahim Ali

Muhsin Alie

Eyad Alkurabi

Farhan Alqam

Abdullah Alshanteer

Sahar Al-Shoubaki

Sal Alswafta

Joseph Amash

Nadia Amer

Nadir Amra

Charles Awad

Jj Balictous

Yusif Barakat

Faris Barhoum

Khalil Barhoum

Daniel Bayley

Amahl Bishara

Talal Borno

Jonathan Brenneman

Nuzha Dajani

Thomas Dallal

Amal David

Shaher Elfarra

Karem Elhams

F Maria Elias

Grace El-Yateem

Wafic Faour

Dr. Ernest Far

Fuad Farradj

Sylvia Flefel

Aida Friedenreich

Lina Ghabayen

Manar Ghanayem

Lutuf Ghantous

Walid Ghantous

Nahida Gordon

Nimer Haddad

Lila Hadeed

Mahmoud Haleem

Samir Halteh

Hilda Halum

Nihaya Hamad

Zuhair Hamada

Yasmeen Hamdan

Lama Hantash

Lana Harel

Shafiq Hasan

Serene Hastings

Mohamad Issa

Nabil Jacir

Huda Jafar

Lucy Janjigian

Mk Kanaan

Linda Kateeb

Lea Kayali

Aida Khalil

Selma Khan

Samar Kharouba

Noura Khouri

Jamal Khoury

Leena Khurana

Amita Khurana

Nada Kiblawi

Atef Kreidli

Atef Kreidli

Nino Lama

Dalia Marchoud

Sue Mascuilli

Bisanne Masoud

Maher Massis

Sarah Matari

Ola May

John Mogannam

Maziyar Moghaddam

Lazaro Mohamed

Abedalhadi Mousa

Therese Mughannam-Walrath

Bahieh Musa

Mohammad Mustafa

Diab Mustafa

Amir Naddaf

Rima Najjar

Dominique Najjar

Suheil Nammari

Paul Noursi

Hasan Obedala

Henry Ode

Manal Ramadanl

Zainab Ramahi

Amal Randolph

Mo Ray-Zack

Dean Risheq

Vera Rizk

Sylvia S

Mohammad Saffouri

Jack Sahouria

Victoria Sahouri-Azer

Maisa Sammour

Rezik Saqer

Salwa Shamy

Rana Sharif

Kayid Shawish

Fathia Shawish

Nadia Shebaro

Ramzy Suleiman

Muawiya Tamimi

Kareem Tannous

Charles Tarazi

Balic Tous

B Tous

Samira Turk

Helane Wahbeh

Michael Wauschek

Shahla Werner

David Woldegabir

Nadal Yousef

Omar Zahzah

Batool Zaro

Younes Zayyad

Eanthy Zeltman