Interfaith Letter
Stop Ethnic Cleansing in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem and all of Palestine
Dear Speaker Pelosi, Senator Schumer, and President Biden,
We, clergy and other religious leaders, call on you to act immediately to pressure the Israeli government to halt its ongoing plans to forcefully displace Indigenous Palestinian families from their homes in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem, and to end U.S. military funding to Israel, which perpetuates apartheid and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land.
Most recently, during the Aug. 2 court hearing for four Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah, the colonial Israeli High Court neglected to make a ruling and instead attempted to pressure Palestinian families into giving up their land rights in exchange for so-called “tenant protection”. The only reason the Israeli government has not yet expelled these families is because the world is watching. “They’re hoping to ethnically cleanse us in silence and darkness,” said Mohammed El-Kurd of Sheikh Jarrah. Unless there’s international pressure, the Israeli government will proceed with plans to expel Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan in occupied Jerusalem as well as other threatened areas of Palestine—and that’s why we, as religious leaders, urgently call on you to take action.
In the Al Bustan neighborhood of Silwan, the Israeli government has already begun demolitions in the name of religious tourism, planning to demolish the homes of as many as 1,500 Palestinian people in order to build a religious theme park on stolen Palestinian land. The Israeli government destroyed Nidal al-Rajabi’s butcher shop, their forces later shooting his son Harbi in the back while he was on the way to the mosque to pray. Israel also forced the Nassar family to self-demolish their home or pay $60,000 in exorbitant demolition costs. The demolition freeze for 16 homes in this neighborhood expired on August 15, placing more Palestinian people in danger of expulsion and ethnic cleansing. Israel’s Jerusalem municipality has already changed their name for the neighborhood to “Gan Hamelekh (The King's Garden)” in plans to erase the Palestinian presence and history.
Using religion to dispossess people of their homes and lands based on their ethnicity is deeply unlawful and an infringement on human rights. Building a “biblical theme park” on stolen Palestinian land is an affront to all people of faith. And we know that the Israeli government’s destruction of Palestinian homes and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem is part of a long and violent history across all of Palestine, which the U.S. has funded for decades. We will not allow religion to be used to continue the flow of our tax dollars to demolish homes and displace people.
While the Israeli government seeks to use religion to divide, displace, and dehumanize, we come together from our unique traditions in unity to collectively call for justice. While every faith demands justice, including for the Palestinian people, we share here prophetic calls to solidarity from the three faiths with holy sites in Jerusalem:
In Islam we are taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that peace should be sought with justice so that the truth may prevail and that conditions for peace are created while preserving people’s rights. We are also taught that in the absence of justice and a voice that advocates for it, a force that protects it, and vanguards that defend it, oppression and injustice will dominate. The Quran states in chapter 22 verse 40: “And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.”
In Judaism we are taught "The stones [of your biblical theme park] will cry out from the wall, and rafters shall respond from the woodwork! Shame on those who build a city with bloodshed and establish a town by injustice and violence!” (Habbakuk 2: 11, 12; analysis by Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, JVP Rabbinic Council). The prophet Habbakuk speaks for Jewish people today. What a shameful perversion of religious life: profiting from forced dislocation of innocent people, forcing Palestinian families to endure trauma and distress, poverty and death in order to build a biblical theme park! How long will the U.S. government permit the desecration of our common humanity through corruption of the most sacred standard of religion, love your neighbor as yourself, in order to build a biblical theme park on stolen land? Israel is demanding families destroy their own homes so tourists can have a ‘biblical experience’? Do what is right in the sight of the Lord. Do not allow this travesty to take place. Surely your God would not want this.
In Christianity we are taught that the work of God is to liberate the oppressed. Grounded in the prophetic tradition, Jesus describes his ministry, “the Spirit of the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, release to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind and to let the oppressed go free” (Luke 4:18-19). As followers of Jesus, Christians are called to stand with the Palestinian people who have been robbed of their land and resources, to demand release for the captives of occupation now being expelled from their homes, to expose the ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem so the world can see clearly the crimes committed there, and to work for the freedom of the oppressed Palestinians. As followers of Jesus, we join our voices to declare home demolitions and expulsions to be unjust, inhumane, and against the work of God.
We are moved to principled solidarity with the Palestinian right to remain and right to return by our own intertwined, but unique, experiences here in the U.S. with racist displacement uprooting and tearing apart our communities. We recognize that our country is itself a settler colony that, like Israel, has sought to violently erase Indigenous people from the start.
The only way to defeat white supremacy everywhere is to consistently show up in solidarity anywhere marginalized communities are under threat. We call on you to loudly condemn these expulsions in Jerusalem and across all of Palestine and to stop the flow of our tax dollars for Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.
Rev. Ariel Aaronson-Eves, Hospice Chaplain, UU
Imam Muhammad Abbasi, Islamic Center of Macon
Imam Khalid Abdul Fattah Griggs, Imam, Community Mosque of Winston-Salem, ICNA Council for Social Justice
Imam Abu Ishaq Abdul Hafiz, Masjid Al-Shareef Long Beach CA
Betsy Abrams, Boston Worker's Circle
Murjan Abu Mahmoud, Dareleman center
Rev. Fahed AbuAkel, Joining Hands for Justice in Palestine & Israel
Eman Abunada, AMP
Mohammed Abusamieh, Board member, Al-Madinah Community Center
Ariel Ackermann, First Church in Cambridge, United Church of Christ
Adna Adnan Dibas, Follower
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, Imam, Dar-adh-dhikr Mosque; Muslim Chaplain, American University
Asma Ahmad, Islamic Center of Johnson County (ICJC)
Ahsan Ahsan Syed, Shaikh
Shaheen Akhtar, Interfaith Liaison for Muslim Community at Large
Naila Al Hasan, University of Maryland Muslim Student Association
Ayman Al-Hendy, Mecca Center
AbduRahman Alamoudi, Muslim Chaplain in Inova Hospital
Mohamed Albadawi, Islamic Society of Greater KC
Rev. Catherine L. Alder, Central Pacific Conference Palestine Israel Network
John Alder, Member Westminster UCC
Shaukhat Ali, Founder & Executive Director of Rohingya American Society (RAS)
Shaykh Shahid Ali, Islamic Society of Orange County
Mahmoud Alkhalili, Masjed of Riverside
Mary Allen, Chair of Stewardship, Church of St Asaph, Bala Cynwyd, PA
Yahya Almontaser, Islamic Mission of America
Imam Osama Alrefai, Imam
Arshad Ameen, Memphis Interfaith
Rev. Dr. John Anderson, Co-Moderator, Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
JL Angell, Presbyterian Lay Leader
Chaplain William Antoun, Chaplain Islamic Organization of North America
Imam Mohammad Asi, Islamic Center
Umair Aslam, House of Worship
Naim Assil, Islamic Council of New England
Imam Tarik Ata, Religious Director, Orange County Islamic Foundation
Ali, Imam Bagegni, Imam of Northwest Islamic Center
Imam Naeem Baig, Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center
Bakr Bakr Teebi, Mission Viejo Mosque
Fadi BANYALMARJEH, Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City
Nidal Barakat, Board Member of ISSV
M. Theresa Basile, Communications Director, United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
Nabil Bayakly, LeMoyne Owen College
Alice Beauchamp, Jews Against the Occupation
The Rev. Judith Beck, Priest, Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
Lindsay Bell, Episcopal Church Fellow
Curtis Bell, President, Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East
Lisa Bender, Co-Chair, United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
David Benedict, Member, St. Martin's Episcopal Church
David Bentley, Retired Missionary, Teacher, Current Author
Rev. John Bergen, Pastor, Germantown Mennonite Church
Betsy Betsy Berman, Shambhala Meditation Center of Atlanta
Asghar Bhatti, Iowa City Mosque
Imam Yaser Birjas, Valley Ranch Islamic Center (VRIC)
Len and Judy Bjorkman, Presbyterian
Jean Blackie, Pastor in the United Methodist Church
Susan Blain, Unitarian Universalist Society of Gardner
Elizabeth Block, Canadian Friends Service Committee
Dr. Todd Boerger, Director of Spiritual Practice
Rev. Stephen Brackens-Brinkley, Pastor/Director Human Rights Fellowship Church
Mullah Bradar, Kabul Jewish Temple
Rev. Martha Brimm, Prison Chaplain
Rev. Eileen Brower Sypher, United Church of Chester
Robert Brown, United Church in University Place
Rev. Harry J Bury, PhD
Rev. Dr. Randy Bush, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Rev. Faye Buttrick, Member, South Church United Church of Christ
Fr. Michael Calabria, Franciscan Friar
Protodeacon Rand Urban Carter, Protodeacon Cathedral of the Theotokos of Great Gracece
Thomas, Local Coordinator Casey, Pax Christi Western NY
Rev. Dana Cassell, Pastor, Peace Covenant Church of the Brethren
Imam Atif Chaudhry, Imam of Islamic Society of Greater Charlotte
Ghulam Chaudhry, Member, Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City
Rev. Dr. Diana Cheifetz, Minister Member, San Francisco Presbytery
Fr. Carl Chudy, D.min, Metrowest Interfaith Dialogue Project
Barbara Clark, Moderator of Presbyterian PC(USA) Women Synod of the Pacific
Michael Clifford, Retired Pastoral Counselor ELCA
Rev. Carolyn Close Grohman, Retired Minister, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
The Rev. Ann S. Coburn, Episcopal, Palestine Israel Network/Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Dr. Pauline M. Coffman, Co-Moderator, Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church, USA
Rev. Chad Collins, Pastor
Rev. Jim Conn, United Methodist Church
David Coolidge, Virgin Mary Islamic Center
Gretchen Crawford, Former Convener Episcopal Peace Fellowship - Maine chapter
Rabbi Meryl Crean, Jewish Voice for Peace - Rabbi
Areta Crowell, Pasadena Presbyterian Church
Rev. Katherine Cunningham, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Israel Palestine Mission Network
The Rev. E. Clifford Cutler, Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network; Board Member, Christian Jewish Allies for a Just Peace for Israel Palestine
Fr. Nicholas Dahdal, Retired Priest
Muamar Dahnoun, Imam at IAR
Adam Daif, Mosque of Williamsburg (Virginia)
John Darlington, Palestine Israel Justice Project, United Methodist Church
Rev. J. Mark Davidson, Pastor Emeritus Davidson, Executive Director, Voices for Justice in Palestine
Janet Davies, Member First Baptist Church in America and former president Baptist Peacemakers of RI and presently a member of BPFNA
Rev. Dr. Walter T Davis, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Rev. Rod Debs, pastor, Unitarian Universalist Congregations of Greenville, NC, ret.
Rev. Joan C. Deming, United Methodist clergy
Joanne DeVoe, Governing Board Member, Bell St. Chapel, Unitarian Universalist Church
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey DeYoe, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Fort Myers, Florida
Joseph Dillard, Integral Deep Listening
Betsy Disharoon, Board Chair, First Congregational Church of Milton
Abdelhafid Djemil, President, Majlis Ash-Shura: Islamic Leadership Council of NY
Shannon Donahue, President of the Governing Board, Bell Street Chapel, New England UUA
Rev. Fr. Paul Dordal, Christian Alliance For Peace
Rev. Diane Dulin, Clergy United Church of Christ
Rev. Anne Dunlap, Faith Organizing Coordinator, Showing Up for Racial Justice
Micky Duxbury, Justice leader, First Unitarian Church of Oakland
The Very Rev. M.E. Eccles , Rector
Imam AlAziz Eddebbarh, Enrolled Imam Graduate Program, Hartford Seminary
Jonathan Eddison, Elder and teacher, University Presbyterian Church Austin
Imam John Ederer, Muslim Community Center, Charlotte
Imam Elbakri, Imām Saratoga
Sarah Elkamhawy, Islamic relief USA
Rabbi Diane Elliot, Wholly Present
Jamal Farhan, Doctor
Rabbi Michael Feinberg, Activist
Virginia Feldman, Chair, Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice, Central Lutheran Church, Portland, Oregon
The Rev. Lisa Fischbeck, The Episcopal Church of the Advocate
Joanne Fitzgerald, Ordained Minister - ELCA Lutheran
Dave Fitzgerald, Christ the King parish (Catholic), Minneapolis, MN, Social Justice Committee
J. David Follett, Former American Baptist Missionary
Steve France, Episcopal Peace Fellowship
Rev. Cheryl Frank, Greece Baptist Church
Ronald Getz, Member, Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Dr. Burhan Ghanayem Ghanayem, Member, Jamaat Ibad Ar Rahman, Durham, NC
Gregory Gillis, Roman Catholic Secondary School Educator
Sarah González-López, Pastoral De Mujeres Y Justicia De Género
Reverend Mother Marcy Gordon, First Church of Consciousness Transformation
Raymond T Gordon, Roman Catholic
Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Shomeret Shalom Global Congregation
Audrey Greene, Head of worship committed at Bell Street Chapel, a UUA congregation
Rev. John Gregory-Davis, Co-Pastor, Meriden Congregational Church, UCC
Rev. Susan Gregory-Davis, Co-Pastor, Meriden Congregational Church, UCC
The Reverend Canon Brian Grieves, Episcopal Priest
Paz Griot, Sangha Leader
The Rev. David Grishaw-Jones, Pastor, The Community Church of Durham (NH)
Rev. Penelope Guntermann, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Robert Hall, OSL, President, Christian Council of Delmarva
Khalid Hamideh, General Counsel, Islamic Association of North Texas
Azmera Hammouri-Davis, Black Christians For Palestine
Imam Suleiman Hani, Lecturer, Islamic Center of Detroit
Mohamed Haq, Director
Claudette Harring, ECSW Global Mission Team, Chairperson
David Hartsough, San Franicisco Friends Meeting
Imam Taha Hassane, Islamic Center of San Diego
Rev. Jane Hawken, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Marilaurice Hemlock, Community Life Coordinator, Spirit of St. Stephen's Catholic Community
The Rev. Dr. Anita Hendrix, Retired Pastor
Lisa Henschel, Taking Action Coalition
Randall Heyn-Lamb, Steering Committee Member, Episcopal Peace Fellowship's Palestine Israel Network
The Rev. Elice Higginbotham, United Church of Christ, Retired Clergy
Rev. Marcia L Hoffman, United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Rabbi Linda Holtzman, Rabbi of the Tikkun Olam Chavurah
Pastor Jim Hopkins, Senior Minister, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Don Michael Hudson, Presbyterian USA
Jess Huetteman, Music Director, Bell Street Chapel UU
Judith Hunt, Active member of First Unitarian Church of Oakland
Rev. Maggie Hurst, Clergy, Grace Baptist Church
Sister Pauline Igoe, Dominican Sister
Nabeel Ismael, ICCI
Hind Jarrah, NTIC, DFW interfaith Dialogue
Rev. Paul Jeffrey, United Methodist Church
Katherine Jesch, First Unitarian Church of Portland Oregon
Gretchen Jo, Retired formation director, Chapel of the Cross Episcopal Church, Chapel Hill, NC
Anne Joh, Professor, United Methodist
Rev. Sandi John, Spiritual Director, Soul Awakening
Sandra Johnson, Clerk, Peace and Social Concerns Committee of Trenton Meeting of Friends
Rev. Dr. Lyn Juckniess, Presbytery of San Francisco
Mohammad Kamali, Founding CEO, International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies
Moustafa Kamel, West Coast Islamic Center
Norman Kansfield, Minister, Reformed Church in America
Obair Katchi, Imam, Corona Masjid
Rabbi Ariana Katz, Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl
Rev. Myra Kazanjian, Sixth Presbyterian Church, Pgh., PA
Ousainou Keita, Al Iman Center of Iowa Inc
Rev. Sophia Keller, International Fellowship of Isis, Independent Affiliate
Rev. Lisa Kenkeremath, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Singh Sahib Siri Karm Singh Khalsa, Minister of Sikh Dharma
Abdool Khan, Resident Scholar
Dr. Richard Kimball, Clerk, Galway Preparative Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Ireland Yearly Meeting
Timothy King, Jewish Voice for Peace
Ireneusz Kryczka, Minister
Nazradeen lallmohamed, Ustad/Teacher
Nino Lama, Church of Bethlehem, NY
The Very Reverend William Lane, Delaware Churches for Middle East Peace
Kevin Lattner, Amos project, 1st Church of Lombard UCCRep
Judith l Lee, Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Jan Lee, BPFNA member
Roger Leisner, United Methodist Church
Yonah Lieberman, Co-Founder, IfNotNow
Robert F. Long, Retired United Methodist Pastor
Damian Lopez, Sacramento Cathedral of the Holy Sacrament
Robin Lorentzen, Professor Emerita
Mary Lucchese, Local Leader, Jewish Voice for Peace
Rev. Dr. Max Lynn, St. John's Presbyterian Church
Rev. Sandra Mackie, Middle East Justice and Peace Group of South Central PA
Diana Maher, Bell Street Chapel, Unitarian Universalist
Sam Makhlouf, St. John Christastum Melkite Church, Atlanta
Sohaib Marie, ICPC Patterson
Charles Marks, Presbyterian Church U.S.A.
Diana Mashni, Waterbury Islamic culture center
Dr. Darlene May, Wake Forest University
Rev. Dr. McAllister, Global Leaders in Unity and Evolvement
Pastor Michael McBride, The Way Church Berkeley, Lead Pastor
Rev. Crystal Silva McCormick, United Church of Christ, Church of the Savior
Dr. Ralph McCoy, Member, Watts Street Baptist Church, Durham, NC
Christine McDermott, Lichfield Methodist Church
Alex McDonald, Moderator - Quaker Palestine Israel Network
Jeffrey McElwee, Moderator - Wright Congregational UCC
Janet McFarland, First Unitarian Church of Oakland
Rev. Will McGarvey, East County Shared Ministry (PCUSA-UCC) & Community Presbyterian Church
Rev. Loren McGrail, United Church of Christ
Laura McHenry, MAPS Redmond
Jennifer McKenna, Presbyterian USA
Rev. Fredrica Meitzen, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Lydia Mercado, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
The Rev. David Mesenbring, Episcopal Priest
Philip Metres, member of the Catholic Church
Rev. Darrel Meyers, Presbyterian Church, USA
Rev. MIchael Ware, Pastor
Rev. Dr. Waltrina Middleton, Community Renewal Society
Rev. Michael Minnix, Pastor, Grace United Methodist Church, Harrisburg, PA
Pat Minor, United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR), Steering Committee, Chair of Political Committee
Rev. Douglas Mitchell, Clergy, Westminster Presbyterian Minneapolis Emeritus
Rabbi David Mivasair, Ahavat Olam Synagogue, emeritus
Rev. Dr. Randle Mixon, American Baptist Pastor
Osama Mohamed, Youth Mentor - Muslim American Society
Tarek Mohammad, Long Beach Islamic Center
Islam Moheisen, Icpc
Moina Shaiq, Founder, Meet a Muslim
Beryl Moore, Upland First United Methodist Church, retired lay missionary United Methodist Church
Dr. Hadia Mubarak, Scholar-in-Residence, Muslim Community Center of Charlotte
Muhammad Salim Muhammad Salim Qureshi, Masjid Maryam
Shaykh Suhail Mulla, Islamic Society of West Valley
Rev. Katie Murchison Ross, Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church
Shamshad Muscati, Muslim American Society - Greater Los Angeles Chapter
Sufian Nabhan, Executive Director / Islamic Center of Detroit
Minister Sarah Nahar, Mennonite Eco-theologian
Khalid Najib, Islamic Center of Greater Kansas City (ICGKC)
Rev. Lauren Lisa Ng, American Baptist Churches
Johnette Orpinela, Missions co-chair, Kairos-Milwaukie United Church of Christ
Kristen Pajkowski, Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America
Paul Parker, Professor Emeritus, Department of Religious Studies, Elmhurst University
Imam Rashid Patch, Ministry of W. D. Mohammed
The Rev. Dr. Allie Perry, Worship Coordinator, Shalom United Church of Christ - New Haven, CT
The Rev. Peter W Peters Ph.D., Retired Episcopal priest
Rev. Darrel Peterson, ELCA Lutheran
Rabbi Lucía Pizarro, Jewish Liberation Theology Institute
Rev. Michael Poage, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Jesus Portillo, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
Dee Poujade, Holy Land Task Force (Annual Conference) Chair, United Methodist Oregon-Idaho Conference
Nora Privitera, Teacher Cloud Hands West Tai Chi Community
Leon Pulsinelle, Member Trenton Meeting of Friends (Quakers)
Ishmael Qadi, EC Member Islamic Society Greater Kansas City
Rev. Jeanette Quick, Alliance of Baptists
Trustee Zaid Rahaman, Permanent Trustee - Grenada Islamic Foundation
Hafizur Rahman, Baitul Mamoor Sunni Islamic Center
Darakshan Raja, Co-Director, Justice for Muslims Collective
Rev. Dan Randall, Clergy
Imam Mohammed Rashid, Independent Imam/Muslim Scholar
Rev. Roger Reaber, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Rev. Sarah Reed Jay, Clergyperson, ABCUSA
Rev. Dr. Sarah Reyes, Pastor
Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow, First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto, Presbyterian Church (USA)
Rev. Richard Richard Gibson, Palestine Network leader PCUSA
Jeremy Richards, Grant Park Baptist Church
Bonita Richman, First Unitarian Church of Oakland
Peter A. Rodrig-Zoppo III, Students for Justice in Palestine, Montclair State University; Muslim Student Association
Rev. Richard Rogers, Retired Minister
Mary Rogers, Episcopalian, Third Order, Society of St. Francis
Rev. Joe Roos, Peace Mennonite Fellowship
Rabbi Brant Rosen, Tzedek Chicago
Rabbi Jessica Rosenberg, Jewish Voice for Peace
Postneshin Hilal Sala, Mevlevi Order of America
Samia Samia Malik, Islamic center of Pa
Bill Scheurer, On Earth Peace, Executive Director
Rowland Selame, Faith leader San Ignacio of Loyola
Mohamad Shafi, Da'wah Coordinat, Islamic Center of Cleveland
Jeri Shaw, First Church of Lombard UCC; Amos Project
Arsim Shefkiu, Assalam Center Boca Raton
Ms Evelyn Sheridan, First Unitarian Church of Oakland, California
Sherrill Futrell, Laity, Davis (CA) UMC
Rev. Dr. Ronald Shive, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Burlington, NC
Ted Shohfi, Church of Reconciliation
Ahmad Shqeirat, Arizona Muslim Alliance
Rev. John Lester Shriver, Presbyterian
Rev. Christina Sillari, Unitarian Universalist
The Rev. Dr. L. Don Smith, Pastor
Rev. Toni Smith, Retired UCC Clergy
Sue Smith, Field Personnel, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Newland Smith, Member, Episcopal Peace Fellowship Palestine Israel Network
Louisa Rachel Solomon, Rabbinical Student, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
Harry Soloway, Jewish Voice For Peace - Westchester
Dr. Michael Spath, Executive Director, Indiana Center for Middle East Peace
The Rev. Dr. Rochelle A. Stackhouse, Pastor, United Church of Christ
Dorothy Starshine, Quaker
Rev. Jerald Stinson, Senior Minister Emeritus, First Congregational Church of Long Beach, CA
Rev. Martha Stone, Associate Pastor, Henrietta United Church of Christ
Rev. Carly Stucklen Sather, Pastor
Imam Dr. Omar Suleiman, Founder and President, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research
Pastor Joseph Summers, Pastor of The Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
Rev. Dr. Ed Sunday-Winters, Pastor, Greensboro United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Anne A. Swanson, Presbyterian Church USA
Ethel Sweed, Jewish Voice for Peace
Vicki Tamoush, Episcopalian
The Rev. Dr. Allison Tanner, Pastor of Public Witness, Lakeshore Avenue Baptist Church
Kay Tarazi, Alliance of Baptists
Rev. John H; Thomas, United Church of Christ
Jacqueline Tiefert, religious school teacher
Rebecca Tippens, Center for Cultural Evolution
Rev. Dr. Al Tizon, North Park Theological Seminary
Verna Todd, Elder, Presbyterian Church, USA
The Rev. Canon Richard Toll, Friends of Sabeel North America
Thomas Trueblood, Episcopal Church of the Advocate, Chapel Hill NC
Imam Zakir Ullah, WhyIslam.org
Sheikh Dr. Osman Umarji, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, UCI
Sameena Usman, CAIR Los Angeles, CA ADEM Delegate, CD DNC Delegate
Rev. Medora Van Denburgh, Interfaith
Peggy Vander Meulen, Member, Christian Reformed Church
Dottie Villesvik, First Presbyterian Church in Everett, WA
Sister Deanna Rose von Bargen RSCJ, Society of the Sacred Heart
Rev. Dr. Herman Waetjen, Professor, San Francisco Seminary
Rev. John C. Wagner, Pastor in the United Methodist Church, Co-Chair, United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
Rev. Don Wagner, Reverend, Presbyterian Church USA
Waleed Waleed Suleiman, Faith member icsi
Rabbi Brian Walt, Rabbi Emeritus Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinic Cabinet
Rev. Davi Weasley, First Congregational Church of Bellingham
Diane Weible, Conference Minister, Northern California Nevada Conference UCC
Daniel Weinberg, Tzedek Chicago
Rev. Ashlee Wiest-Laird, Pastor, First Baptist Church in Jamaica Plain
Rev. Dr. Douglas Wingeier, retired
The Rev. Dr. Tony Wolfe, Retired Presbyterian pastor
Carol Wood, First Unitarian Church of Oakland (CA)
Jeff Wright, Pastor, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Global Ministries
May Ye, Rabbinical Student
Michael Yorke, MTS Student, Candler School of Theology
Rev. Michael Yoshii, Friends of Wadi Foquin
Imam Asad Zaman, Muslim American Society of Minnesota